


你是一个聪明而有天赋的大学生,但患有学习障碍、多动症或自闭症吗? Do you study and work hard—but your grades do not show it? Do you find yourself falling further and further behind? 这个夏天,我和来自全国各地不同学院和大学的聪明而有才华的学生一起学习, as well as current Landmark College students, 谁会在学分课程中与同学分享他们的经验和学习策略.

Sunday, July 7 – Saturday, August 10, 2024*


$8,500, plus $150 refundable damage deposit. (Cost includes double occupancy residence hall room, meals, and 活动.)
Optional: 1-credit physical education courses are offered at an additional cost.


What You Gain From a Summer at Landmark College:

Our years of experience with students who learn differently have shown that focusing, 即使是很短的时间, on how you learn can make a significant difference in your success in school.


  • Gain a better understanding of your learning differences and learning style
  • Learn how to advocate for your learning needs
  • Build learning strategies in academic areas
  • Develop a variety of 学习技巧 to implement in academic settings
  • Be introduced to assistive and educational technologies that support learning
  • 与教授联系, 顾问, and classmates in ways the build a community of support and learning
  • 确定你将随身携带的工具和策略,这些工具和策略将帮助你在上大学的过程中变得更有策略

地标学院强调健康的重要性,作为我们整体教育方法的一部分. 夏季桥梁项目是一个机会,让学生加深他们对概念的理解,并开始实践它作为他们在这里的经历的一部分. 这是一个概念,他们将在课堂上遇到的事件和活动期间的节目. Students are encouraged to take a 1 credit physical education course, attend lectures on topics related to wellness, 参与健康活动,在过去的夏季学期中,包括散步, 徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 瑜伽, 正念冥想.

患有社交焦虑和交友困难的学生可以选择参加社会支持活动, including social pragmatic workshops and student affairs events. 住宿助理可以作为同伴导师提供有关活动的信息,并帮助学生感受到与地标学院社区的联系.


除了 to your classes, you’ll also participate in:

  • Regular weekly advising with one of LC’s professional 顾问. Sessions may include such topics as self-reflection and self-advocacy, 目标规划与设定, 学业成功的策略, 并确定未来的下一步
  • 进入学院的学术支持中心,这是LC学习过程中的一个真正的中心. 配备专业的工作人员和教师, 德雷克提供阅读支持, 写作, 学习技巧, 和课程
  • 学生可以在定期安排的教师办公时间获得额外的学术支持
  • Opportunities with experienced librarians and educational technology staff


夏季桥梁体验是在风景如画的佛蒙特州南部地标学院的乡村校园提供的. The town of Putney is located just nine miles from historic Brattleboro, named one of the “Top 10 Small Art Towns in America.”


Financial aid is available and awarded upon acceptance. 财政援助申请 are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis—please apply early.


Landmark College also offers a fall or spring 桥的经验 给来访的大学生. 在地标学院学习一学期可以提高学生的学习策略, 技能, 和自我认知, 当他们返回母校或转学到另一所大学时,充当成功的桥梁.

Track a -发展Track

学生选 跟踪 将采取必要的, 缩小差距 course and a 写作 class (described below). Students also have the option to take a single credit physical education elective.

缩小差距—Becoming A More Strategic College Student
Managing academic demands in college can be challenging. 学生从理解理论和实践方法中受益,以支持学业成功. 本课程旨在通过建立学生的个人和个人学术经历,并确定进一步学术发展或住宿的特定领域,促进自我宣传. Through a variety of readings on topics such as identity development, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 和神经的多样性, 学生将通过实际应用和对法律和残疾人权利的理解来发展他们的自我意识和自我倡导.

Structure, Style, and Strategies—Demystifying Academic Writing
本课程是为那些难以理解和应对学术写作要求的学生设计的. It focuses on helping students to develop effective 写作 strategies, 区分第二手资料的类型,并练习有效地将原始资料整合到草稿中. Through discussions and individual conferencing, 作为学习者,学生将了解自己的天赋和挑战. Students gain confidence by applying newly learned strategies through reading, 写作, and interaction with peers and hands-on 活动.

Track B—Combined Developmental and Credit Track


必修课程 for all 夏天 bridge experience students:
缩小差距—Becoming A More Strategic College Student
Managing academic demands in college can be challenging. 学生从理解理论和实践方法中受益,以支持学业成功. 本课程旨在通过建立学生的个人和个人学术经历,并确定进一步学术发展或住宿的特定领域,促进自我宣传. Through a variety of readings on topics such as identity development, 多样性, 股本, 和包容, 和神经的多样性, 学生将通过实际应用和对法律和残疾人权利的理解来发展他们的自我意识和自我倡导.

RECOMMENDED for students looking for a credit level 写作 course:
WRT 1009专题:从分心到生产:按需和有目的地写作
许多优秀的作家在开始写作、持续写作和完成写作时都很挣扎. 在本课程中, students will learn about composition theory and rhetoric, 书写输出障碍, 注意力缺陷多动症, 执行功能作为一个框架来理解他们自己的写作概况. 重点将放在书面输出的管理和我们管理写作需求的方式和我们如何学习之间的关系. Students should expect to execute all stages of the 写作 process, intentionally identifying areas of strength and areas to improve. 每位学生将提交至少两篇经过修改的论文.

资格: 学生必须提交一份教学大纲和一份上一学年大学水平的写作课程或类似的写作强化课程的写作样本. 参加该课程的资格将由暑期桥梁体验项目主任和核心教育部门主任审查.

*本课程为选修课,可应用于任何地标学院的毕业计划. 希望将这些学分转回原院校的学生应咨询注册师.

Credit Elective Course Options and Descriptions-参见选项卡夏季II
All colleges don’t accept all transfer credits. 我们鼓励有意将学分转回原籍院校的学生在原籍院校选择最合适的课程. Prerequisites may apply and your choice may be subject to approval. We strive to provide you with the courses you choose. 然而, 每班入学人数限制为15人,以确保高度个性化的学习体验. 出于这个原因,课程分配是先到先得的基础上,根据存款日期.

Basic Daily 时间表, Monday through Friday

Classes meet each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

9 – 11:30 a.m.
In Class Session: 缩小差距, OR Writing Course, OR Credit Elective

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Lunch/Free Time (coursework, office hours, advisor meetings, etc.)

1:30 – 4 p.m.
In Class Session: 缩小差距, OR Writing Course, OR Credit Elective

5 – 6:30 p.m.
Dinner/Free Time (coursework, office hours, advisor meetings, etc.)

体育选修课下午4:30 - 5:30上课.m.

Social Pragmatic 研讨会 will be offered the week of July 15 and July 22.  详见“社会实用主义支持”.

我们将与他们合作 地标大学成功中心 在圣马特奥, 加州将提供指导, 活动, 以及帮助那些从社会实际支持中受益的学生的项目. 除了, there will be social coaching opportunities, as well as parent meetings to supplement what the students will be learning. 这种支持对所有学生开放.



  • Monday, July 15: PEERS Session 1: Workshop - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, July 16:  On-line Activity - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, July 17: PEERS Session 2: Workshop - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 
  • Thusday, July 18:  On-line  and Off - Campus Activities - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.                                                                                        家长会议7:00 - 8:00.m. ET -在线  
  • Friday, July 19: Individual Social Coaching 


  • Monday, July 22: PEERS Session 3: Workshop - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, July 23: On-line Activity - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, July 24: PEERS Session 4: Workshop - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
  • Thusday, July 25:  On-line  and Off - Campus Activities - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 

                              家长会议7:00 - 8:00.m. ET -在线

  • Friday, July 26: Individual Social Coaching 