

The Landmark Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program (飞跃) logo

The Landmark Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program (飞跃) inspires and supports students in their professional and creative development—empowering students to harness their abilities to make their dreams a reality and advance their careers

Landmark College launched 飞跃 in 2014 to provide students with support in developing business plans and pitching their idea for the possibility of up to $10,000美元的种子基金. The response to 飞跃 has been tremendous and the program continues to expand and grow. Today 飞跃 is a well-known entity on campus and an arena in which to build, 测试, and develop programming to support neurodiverse talent through communication, 创新, 和行动. 飞跃一直是 ENACTUS, 公平贸易学院,并订阅 HubSpot的学院 giving all students access to these networks and opportunities.

项目: The following are examples of the many programs that make up the ever-growing 飞跃 network on campus.

  • WLMC地标学院电台, (学生生活)-飞跃支持学生主持的项目, 广告, 市场营销, DJ活动中的企业发展, 比混合, 和播客 for our nationally-recognized college radio station, which won the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System award for "Best Internet/Streaming College Radio Station (under 10,在2022年和2023年.
  • 电视的声音—飞跃 works directly with the college's television studio, supporting student creativity by providing resources to prepare students to communicate in their chosen field of study. 
  • LCVoices.com—支持s the innovative and creative ideas within student media. 
  • 职业生涯的连接c (学者)—通过地标学院的职业关系, 飞跃招聘实习生, 勤工助学学生, 经理, and provides an essential bridge between outside employment and employee and management skill development.
  • 创意实验室—Founded by Landmark College students, the 创意实验室 has become the heart of 飞跃. 这是一个充满乐高积木的中心, 织物艺术, 视觉艺术, 游戏, 还有工作的空间, 玩, 或者只是放松. Look for our regular Maker 研讨会 and Idea Jam pizza parties.
  • 飞跃俱乐部-由地标学院学生企业家成立, 这个俱乐部赞助旅行, 系列讲座, 研讨会, and supports student entrepreneurs in their enterprise development and launching.
  • 制造商的空间—Tech meets 创新 at the 制造商的空间 home to laser cutters, 3-D printers, circuitry, 和更多的. Staffed by and for students, the 制造商的空间 is open to all and requires minimal training. 跳进去试试吧!
  • MiniLab-课堂在学生手中变得活跃起来. Here students use video and editing equipment to make pitch and product videos, 社交媒体帖子, 和动画. They use digital photography for studio shots and even work on classroom projects. 飞跃 hires student interns to run the MiniLab and hosts training 研讨会. 迷你实验室向所有人开放,无论经验如何.
  • 创业:-每年秋季飞跃都会举办创业日, where neurodiverse entrepreneurs come to campus and share their stories, 满足学生, 并协助企业发展和指导. The day includes an 创新 workshop, catered lunch, and a mini-pitch competition. 欢迎所有人.
  • 一万美元的演讲比赛—Each year our campus entrepreneurs have the chance to pitch for a shot at a total of $10,5万元的启动资金. 培训和指导由飞跃提供. 过去的Pitch赢家包括食品配送服务, 蜂蜜生产, 三维动画和虚拟现实, 安全系统, 和更多的. 飞跃 Pitchers often go on to pitch in other competitions at Harvard University and the 德雷伯竞争.
  • 哈佛大学社会企业家大会—Each spring 飞跃 students board the Shark Bus and travel to the 哈佛大学社会企业家大会 在马萨诸塞州的波士顿. Here students network with peers, pitch ideas, attend 研讨会, and find inspiration.
  • 课程—飞跃 is tied in with the the Bachelor of Arts 在沟通 and 企业领导 (BA-COMEL) degree and the 专业的研究 Department. Many students taking classes in these areas can also get credit with work done with 飞跃 or using 飞跃 resources. 飞跃 is interdisciplinary and welcomes projects across campus including 阀杆 and 细 Arts.
  • 学术实习—Each semester a student is selected from a pool of applicants to be interns within 飞跃 and the 专业的研究 Department. 通常这些学生本身就是企业家. The intern experience helps students to deepen their entrepreneurship and leadership skills while sharing their experiences and enterprises with fellow students.
  • 学生成功故事给 Hat Tree Project Brings Warmth to Community Members in Need (伯瑞特波罗改革家,2022年12月)

导演飞跃是专业研究部门的一部分. 请联系 学院院长约翰·维塔勒说

“在我看来,每个人都是企业家. My job is to ignite the passion and energy in people for them to pursue their dreams and visions an make them into a viable reality. 作为企业家,我们有能力改变世界. With a sustainability lens, we can change it for the better.”   –Dr. 塔玛拉·斯坦恩,专业研究助理教授


  • 飞跃 is tied in with the the COMEL degree and the 专业的研究 Department. Many students taking classes in these areas can also get credit with work done with 飞跃 or using 飞跃 resources. 飞跃 is interdisciplinary and welcomes projects across campus including 阀杆 and 细 Arts.

  • 通过地标学院的职业关系, 飞跃招聘实习生, 勤工助学学生, 经理, and provides an essential bridge between outside employment and employee and management skill development.

  • Each semester a student is selected from a pool of applicants to be an intern for the Entrepreneurship class and a 飞跃 intern. 通常这些学生本身就是企业家. The intern experience helps students to deepen their entrepreneurship and leadership skills while sharing their experiences and enterprises with fellow students

  • 即将到来的内容

  • Each year our campus entrepreneurs have the chance to pitch for a shot at a total of $10,5万元的启动资金. 培训和指导由飞跃提供. 过去的Pitch赢家包括食品配送服务, 蜂蜜生产, 三维动画和虚拟现实, 安全系统, 和更多的. 飞跃 Pitchers often go on to pitch in other competitions at Harvard University and the 德雷伯竞争.

  • Founded by Landmark College students, the 创意实验室 has become the heart of 飞跃. 这是一个充满乐高积木的中心, 织物艺术, 视觉艺术, 游戏, 还有工作的空间, 玩, 或者只是放松. Look for our regular Maker 研讨会 and Idea Jam pizza parties.

  • Tech meets 创新 at the 制造商的空间 home to laser cutters, 3-D printers, circuitry, 和更多的. Staffed by and for students, the 制造商的空间 is open to all and requires minimal training. 跳进去试试吧!

  • 教室在学生手中变得活跃起来. Here students use video and editing equipment to make pitch and product videos, 社交媒体帖子, 和动画. They use digital photography for studio shots and even work on classroom projects. 飞跃 hires student interns to run the MiniLab and hosts training 研讨会. 迷你实验室向所有人开放,无论经验如何.

  • WLMC通过学生广播节目支持飞跃, 广告, 市场营销, DJ活动中的企业发展, 比混合, 和播客.

  • 即将到来的内容.

  • 即将到来的内容

  • 即将到来的内容

  • 即将到来的内容

  • 由地标学院的学生企业家成立, 这个俱乐部赞助旅行, 系列讲座, 研讨会, and supports student entrepreneurs in their enterprise development and launching.
